A language server manager built in Rust. Inspired by mason.nvim.
A platform dedicated to fostering transparency and democratic engagement in Taiwan. Built with NextJs for the frontend and microservices architecture for the backend, employs technologies such as ExpressJs, Nginx, Golang, and gRPC, etc.
A digital annealer built with C++. Support traditional simulated annealing and simulated quantum annealing. Please refer to the README for more details.
My personal dotfiles, including configurations for neovim, fish shell, powershell, tmux, etc.
My solutions to LeetCode problems, currently hosting on leet.chaoting.xyz powered by Gitbook.
An innovative approach to the creation of information graphics, where the accuracy of content and aesthetic appeal are of paramount importance.
A tutorial of Unity3D for beginners. The demo is hosted on itch.io and the slide is hosted by GitHub Pages.
Final project of the course Database Management System.