Welcome to my blog posts
Docker Cheat Sheet
Docker commands and tips
Daemonizing a process in C
What is daemonizing a process and how to do it in C.
Free File Storage Approach
A new approach to file storage that is completely free.
Docker Networking
Docker networking, bridge, host, none and overlay
Android VSYNC
Android VSYNC 的運作機制
Android Fence
Android Fence 的運作機制
C 的 Command Line Argument
介紹 C 的 Command Line Argument Parsing ,包括 `getopt`, `getopt_long` 和參數的定義與處理。
BufferQueue 和 Fence 的基礎知識介紹
BufferQueue 和 Fence 是 Android Graphic 中的兩個重要機制,本文將介紹 BufferQueue 的概念與簡述 Fence 機制的運作。
Simple back propagation in Pure Python
A single neuron back propagation implementation in Pure Python.
Golang In-memory Cache
Create a simple in-memory cache in Golang.
`curl` Command Usage
Introduction to the `curl` command.
C++ Move Constructor
Introduction to move constructor in C++ and a brief description of all four kinds of constructors.
L-Value & R-Value in C++
The difference between L-Value and R-Value in C++.
Setting up Typescript for Express App
A comprehensive guide to integrating typescript into your express.js project
Zip Command with Examples
Zip - compression and file packaging utility for Unix.
New styling system announced by Meta.
Build a Custom Motion Background in NextJs
Build a custom motion background from scratch which run across different routes
Hello World
Hello World